

"There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God"  Brother Lawrence
Is your awareness of God growing? God is perfectly capable to relate to us at all times. He is not distracted by his vast activities in this world—I mean, the universe. Unlike God, we are distracted from relating to him by everything. In this digital world we distracted continually. Every notification that sounds off on our cell phone equals yet one more opportunity to remain connected to digital realities. And yet we struggle for joy.  It is time to look back to Brother Lawrence for some lessons on life.

In a class at Summit University, Spiritual Formation in the Context of Community, I participated in an experiment. The experiment was to develop a continual awareness of the presence of God. During the experiment, we stopped and acknowledged God every hour on the hour. Even if I was giving a lecture to my class, I had to stop and recognize God (In my mind of course, or my students would think I was crazy). What did I discover? There were more moments in a day when I wasn't aware of God then moments when I was aware of his presence. It was truly life transforming. 

During this experiment, I began to revisit the letters of Brother Lawrence in Practicing the Presence of God for motivation. Anyone who wants to live in a continual awareness of the presence of God should this classic. He was known for living continually in the Joy of the Lord. These letters were written to a disciple who had inquired how he could live in this same joy. His letters have taught me three things about the presence of God.

3 Things we Learn from Brother Lawrence on Practicing the Presence of God

1. Practicing the Presence of God Leads to Joy

We are most fulfilled when we are in direct relation with God. If we are truly relating to God, we will be aware of his presence. Along with the psalmist who offered praise for the fullness of joy that he found in the presence of God (Psalm 16:11), Brother Lawrence commends,

"There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God”.

2. Practicing the Presence of God Requires Diligence

Most Spirit-filled Christians have experience the presence of God periodically. Maybe it on Sundays during worship, or at special meeting. These are usually times we set apart for God. When we draw near him, he draws near to us (Psalm 145:18). Brother Lawrence instructs us,

"In order to form a habit of conversing with God continually, and referring all we do to Him, we must at first apply to Him with some diligence: but after a little care we should find His love inwardly excite us to it without any difficultly." 

To continually be aware of the presence of God, we must set aside a new habit of diligently turning our attention to converse (to communicate) with him at all times. Maybe set aside certain times as a habit. 

3. Practicing the Presence of God Requires Simplicity

There is no need to complicate how we relate to God. Yes, he is holy and we are not. But he already knows that. We can never impress the Lord. Brother Lawrence instructs us again,

"We ought to act with God in the greatest simplicity, speaking to Him frankly and plainly, and imploring his assistance in our affairs, just as they happen."
We are speak to the Lord frankly with complete honesty,  we are speak to him plainly with our authentic selves, and we are to ask for his assistance in every affair moment by moment. He has the full capacity to see us for who we really are, and yet accepts us. He is able to meet our every need. We cannot exhaust his capacity to have compassion on us or meet our needs. It actually brings him pleasure.

What About You?

Are you growing in your awareness of God’s presence? When are you most aware of Gods presence? How could you benefit from creating a practice of the presence of God for yourself? Think about how you could set some notifications for yourself to stop and acknowledge God. One easy way is to set three to five times a day when you can intentionally acknowledge God.

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